Freedom Committee (with fees being deducted from their salary checks). At the state-owned
newspapers all employees (with the exception of management) have to be members of the
Zambia Union of Journalists (ZUJ).
Individual scores:
Average score:

5, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5, 4
4.5 (2005 = 4.5)

Overall score for sector 4: 3.1 (2005 = 2.5)
Overall country score:

2.5 (2005 = 2.2)

Developments since 2005
Positive developments in the media environment in the last two years:

Successful campaign against the imposition of VAT on newspapers


Closer collaboration and understanding between the six media associations as
evidenced in the anti-VAT campaign


Memorandum of Understanding between PAZA and the Post’s Press Freedom


Growth of community media, especially radio


Increased participation of women in the media


Significant investments in public media (ZNBC, Zambia Daily Mail)


Conclusion of the IBA/ZNBC court case, which means that the pending case can no
longer be used as an excuse for non-implementation of the legislation


An official undertaking by the Inspector-General of Police to discipline policemen
who harass journalists

Negative developments in the media environment in the last two years:

The unsatisfactory outcome of the IBA/ZNBC court case which means that the
sitting ZNBC board is illegal and that the IBA has not been established


Non-enactment of the Freedom of Information Bill
Absence of political will for overall media law reform

So This Is Democracy? 2007


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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