
Engage civil society and Members of Parliament in support of a programme of action
for overall media reform


Establish closer cooperation of media associations and Council of Churches on
media reform issues


Embark on a sustained campaign by media associations to publicize media issues
and enlist the support of the public

The panel meeting took place at Fringilla Lodge, Chisamba, 15 – 17 June 2007.
The Panel:
Amos Chanda, journalist/media activist, Sheikh Chifuwe, journalist/media activist,
Zarina Geloo, newspaper owner/editor, Lee M. Habasonda, civil society activist,
Mutemwa Makomani, journalism lecturer, Kenny M. Makungu, mass communications lecturer, Suzanne Matale, religious leader, Dr. Patrick Matibini, law lecturer,
Wendy M. Nawishi, radio journalist, Joy Sata, journalist/media activist
The Rapporteur: Arthur Simuchoba
The Facilitator: Hendrik Bussiek

So This Is Democracy? 2007


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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