The situation of the community radios is particularly sensitive: they
always requesting for a law to be approved but no progress has been
achieved. It is said frequently that the journalists of the community
radios are more of disk jockeys then journalists. In fact there is no
legislation that regulates coexistence in a healthy environment.
Individual scores: 			

1; 2; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 2; 1; 1

Average score: 			



Community broadcasting enjoys special promotion given its
potential to broaden access by poor and rural communities.

Community radios are always an issue in the annual programmes
of the government, which shows that there is a special effort for
their promotion. The key question is if such radio stations are for
the good of the rural communities or are in fact an extension of the
public radio service. It is because of that, that these Community
Radios have signed agreements with RM and TVM, particularly those
linked to the Institute of Social Communication (ICS).
In Mozambique there are a number of community radio ant television services that are supported by the government; others by
religious congregations and another group that operates under the
sphere of certain organisations of the civil society. They do enjoy
some promotion.
Of some concern is the fact that community radios have to face
many difficulties to be granted a licence. They are submitted to
a process of licensing almost identical to the one applied to the
commercial radio services. Before the licence is granted to a community radio, the political orientation of its advisors is thoroughly

African Media Barometer - Mozambique 2007			


Select target paragraph3