Individual scores: 			

2; 1; 3; 3; 2; 2; 2; 3; 2; 1

Average score: 			



The editorial independence of the print media published by
a public authority is protected adequately against undue 		

The editorial independence of the print media with a strong historical link to the State is not protected against political interference.
For instance, the executive editors and journalists of “Notícias”
newspaper, the largest in the country, try to present an image that
the newspaper is private. However, the fact that the Bank of Mozambique is the biggest shareholder of “Sociedade Notícias, S.A.”
the owner of the newspaper and main financial adviser of the government, can create the idea (rightly or wrongly) that it is a newspaper that is not too far from the Government political line.
It should be stressed that during the preparation of this Media Barometer, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of “Sociedade Notícias, SA” was the Bank of Mozambique Governor. Such situation was
only altered with the appointment of the new Chairwoman of the
Board of Directors who is also a senior staff member of the Bank of
Individual scores: 			
Average score: 			

1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 2; 1; 1

Local and regional independent news agencies gather and 		
distribute their information for all media.

There are no independent news agencies (both national and regional) in Mozambique the collect and distribute information to all

African Media Barometer - Mozambique 2007

Select target paragraph3