media). Government use to have until recently a newspaper called
“O Campo” (The Countryside) whose periodicity was a guess. Whenever this newspaper was published it would not reach the rural areas.
The organisations operating in the print media sector are also part
of the problem, because they are not seen to be properly organized.
There is an organization that supposedly should do everything for
the improving of the sector and that is the Association of Newspaper
Companies (Associação das Empresas Jornalísticas) known as AEJ.
However its action is negligible.
Individual scores: 			

2; 2; 2; 3; 2; 3; 1; 2; 1; 1

Average score: 			



Broadcasting legislation has been passed and is implement-		
ed that provides for a conducive environment for public, 		
commercial and community broadcasting.

In 1992, one year after the approval and implementation of the
Media Law, a decree on the access to frequencies detailing its conditions, was approved by the Council of Ministers (CM) which is in
fact the Government of Mozambique. Apart from that no other legislation exists.
There is a National Information Policy that was approved in 1996
and that has not regulating power. The public sector media [Radio
Mozambique (RM) e Television of Mozambique (TVM)] are in constant competition with the private media sector. The lack of educative programmes is the same in both scenarios (public and private).
As far as that is concerned, Radio Mozambique still makes an effort
towards producing useful programmes. Both RM and TVM receive
State Aid through the contract-programmes signed with the Government, for which there are no specific laws.

African Media Barometer - Mozambique 2007

Select target paragraph3