An analysis of Social Media use
in The SADC region - 2014 - 2020

broadcasters of certain media content hide in anonymity or in the use of false identity, which can make it difficult to identify
and consequently be responsible for the damages caused.”154

These sentiments highlighted clearly not only the perception by the Angolan President on social
media use but also the potential risks that are associated with social media which include reliance
on anonymity to commit offence.
Social media risk identification - Case of Zimbabwe
According to a Zimbabwean Government Minister155
“Citizen Journalism characterized by people freely generating information and sharing it, removes the editorial responsibility and self-restraint that you find in traditional media because purveyors of social media information often operate
extra-territorially out of reach from the societies they offend against. You thus find all types of information circulating on
social media, including fake news, some of it designed to create fissures in the nation state because those responsible are
out of reach of national laws.”

Social media risk identification - Case of Zambia
According to Zambian government social media platforms, have both positive and negative
aspects that can be attributed to individuals and organisations.156 One of the major challenge is
culture loss157 “….Zambian digital culture is foreign and places the nation’s cultural, social and
economic wellbeing at risk.” Also on the increase are crimes impersonation158 “… there have
recorded incidents of impersonations from a small group of people. They are insulting everyone
on social media and other platforms. They are also falsely accusing and or defrauding people
on social media platforms.” At the same time Fraud159 is on the increase “… Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA) in collaboration with the Zambia Police
Service has, in the recent past, recorded an upswing in the number of cases known as affinity
fraud cases.” “…to date, a total of thirty four cases have been flagged with over 627 victims.”

155 Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister Monica Mutsvangwa remarks while presenting a paper on “Information as a
threat to national security” at the Zimbabwe National Defence University (ZNDU) in Harare, January, 2019.
156 Thursday, 5 July, 2018 1 Ministerial Statement on the Electronic and Social Media Platforms by the Hon. Minister of Transport and Communication, Mr. Mushimba.


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