An analysis of Social Media use
in The SADC region - 2014 - 2020

commercial market for social media surveillance142 has lowered the cost of entry not only
for the security services, where it is being used
with little oversight or accountability.143 This
growing employment of social media surveillance threatens to squeeze the space for freedom
of expression and access to information, including civic activism on social media.
Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have
opened up new possibilities for automated mass
surveillance.144 Advanced monitoring systems145
are able to map users’ relationships through
link analysis; attribute meaning to their social
media posts using natural-language processing
and sentiment analysis146; and infer their past,
present, or future locations. Whether accurate
or inaccurate147, the conclusions made about
an individual can have serious repercussions,
particularly in countries148 where one’s political
views and social interactions can lead to closer
scrutiny and outright punishment149.
Zambia, South Africa and Mozambique are
examples of countries in the region that have
been identified in 2018 as part of the 45 countries that were using and/or targeted for spying

and tracking using the NSO Group’s Pegasus150
Social media risk152 : Government attitudes
Social media threats and risk commonly refers to
any risk of financial loss, disruption or damage
to the reputation on, through or based on social
media. The risk could materialize in a variety
of ways, such as: deliberate and unauthorized
breaches of security to gain access to information
systems, fake news, unintentional or accidental
breaches of security and poor system integrity.
Governments within the region have identified
and made public pronouncements on social media
risk(s), though some of the estimates are not in
alignment with international best practices and
standards for digital rights, for example:
Social media risk identification - Case of
The President of Angola in an opening speech
of the Angotic 2018153highlighted that
“Social networks, which have come to facilitate quick
communication between people and whose use, especially by young people, we encourage and discourage, also
hide some dangers, due to the possibility that authors and

142 Ibid definition 84 above
143 ibid
149 ibid
150 Israel-based “Cyber Warfare” vendor NSO Group produces and sells a mobile phone spyware suite called Pegasus. To monitor a target,
a government operator of Pegasus must convince the target to click on a specially crafted exploit link, which, when clicked, delivers a chain
of zero-day exploits to penetrate security features on the phone and installs Pegasus without the user’s knowledge or permission. Once the
phone is exploited and Pegasus is installed, it begins contacting the operator’s command and control (C&C) servers to receive and execute
operators’ commands, and send back the target’s private data, including passwords, contact lists, calendar events, text messages, and live
voice calls from popular mobile messaging apps. The operator can even turn on the phone’s camera and microphone to capture activity in
the phone’s vicinity. See:
153 President Angola João Lourenço, in the opening speech of the Angotic 2018 forum, which takes place in Luanda, dedicated to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).


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