Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:


2.9 Media cover the full spectrum of economic, cultural, political, social, national and local perspectives and
conduct investigative stories.
The media in Gabon, in general do not have discriminatory policies. Coverage of
events or subjects is determined by their importance or their interest for the target
audiences. That is, if a subject is interesting, the media do not hesitate to discuss
it. The men and women of the media therefore rely on their journalistic instincts
to decide which deserve or not their attention.
This approach, nevertheless, needs to be qualified. It turns out that certain topics
and sectors, such as politics and the economy, occupy more space on the airwaves
and in the columns of newspapers. Also, national news is given priority over local
news. On the other hand, programs related to companies and general news that
give voice to everyone are very popular. This is the example of the show “Things of
the Country” taking cameras to the streets to film the daily life of the Gabonese.
Even if there is large coverage of economic issues, the discussion remains very
technical and inaccessible to the general population. In general, the media lack
the capacity to allow thorough and interesting coverage regarding the economy,
the financial sector and entrepreneurship in general.
It is difficult to speak of a culture of investigative journalism in Gabon. As stated
by a panellist, this type of journalism is “the step-child of Gabonese media.”
Reports on corruption, for example, stop at the denunciations. This failure is the
result of the lack of means and a proper training.



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