MISA Regional Annual Report 2023




infringe on freedom of assembly and
freedom of expression in countries such
as Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique,
Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Adopt a human-rights based approach
in the deployment of surveillance and
Artificial Intelligence.
Adopt legislation that combats all forms
of digital violence and expanding the
definition of gender-based violence
to include digital violence against
women, including cyber-harassment,
cyberstalking and sexist hate speech,
among other ICT-related violations.
Repeal vague and overly broad laws
on surveillance as they contribute to
the existing vulnerability of female

In the second presentation during the
77th Ordinary Session of the ACHPR in
October 2023, MISA reiterated the issue
of democratic backsliding and shrinking
civil spaces. It called on the ACHPR and
Southern African governments to deal with
impunity for crimes against journalists.
In one of the recommendations, MISA
called on governments to be transparent
in how surveillance is used, and this
should always be with judicial oversight.
Following the presentation, the ACHPR
issued a communique reminding African
nations that Principle 41 of the Declaration
of Principles on Freedom of Expression
and Access to Information in Africa states
that countries should only engage in
targeted surveillance in conformity with
international human rights law.

Notable achievements
Paris Charter on AI and Journalism
MISA Regional Director Dr Tabani Moyo


was appointed to a committee to develop
the Paris Charter on AI and Journalism,
which defines ethics and principles that
journalists, newsrooms and media outlets
worldwide can appropriate and apply in
their work with artificial intelligence. The
Paris Charter was created by a commission
initiated by Reporters Without Borders
(RSF) and chaired by journalist and Nobel
Peace Prize laureate Maria Ressa.
Digital rights award
MISA Regional Director Dr Tabani Moyo
was listed as one of the 10 changemakers of
the past decade on digital rights in Africa.
The honour was bestowed by Collaboration
on International ICT Policy for East and
Southern Africa (CIPESA). This was in
recognition of MISA’s work in pushing
back against restrictive and repressive
laws, supporting journalists under threat,
empowering young Africans, and shaping
internet governance policies.
10th High-Level Seminar
on Peace and Security
MISA participated in the 10th high-level
seminar on peace and security in Africa,
which was held in Oran, Nigeria, on 17 and
18 December 2023. The meeting prepared
three African countries that are members
of the United Nations Security Council on
how to address peace and security issues on
the continent.

Chairing the Global Network on
On 19 July 2023, Dr Tabani Moyo, MISA
Regional Director was elected Convenor/
Chair of the International Freedom of
Expression Exchange (IFEX) the global


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