
network of freedom of expression organisations for 2023-2026 term. As the convenor, he
chairs the 13 member IFEX council, the governing body of the network elected by the general
membership. The network has more than 100 member organisations globally operating in
more than 70 countries.
Recognition by UNESCO with a special NGO consultative status
On 12 of September 2023, MISA was officially recognised by UNESCO as a special NGO with
the consultative status bestowed on the organisation in recognition of the critical role played
by the organisation in furtherance of the right to expression in Southern Africa, continentally
and globally.
Recognised by the Chief Justices Forum
The Chief Justices’ Forum (SACJF) continues to recognise MISA as one of the critical thought
leaders in the areas of expression online and office. On the 25th of October 2023, Dr. Moyo
addressed the conference that brought together Chief Justices from Kenya, Uganda, Namibia,
Zimbabwe, Eswatini, Mozambique, Seychelles, Botswana, Angola, Zanzibar, Malawi, Lesotho,
Mauritius, Zambia and South Africa on the need for judicial services to serve all and leave no
one behind. He made the call as the Judicial Case Management Systems are migrating online
across the continent, yet Africa only has 36% of its citizens online.
High Level Dialogue on Peace and Security
In collaboration with the Africa Governance Architecture Support Project (AGA-SP) at the
African Union Commission, MISA participated at the 12th High level panel addressing the
topic: The role of Youth in Delivering Peace Dividends – implications of media telling the
story? The meeting was held on 3 October at the African Union Headquarters in Addis Ababa,

MISA Regional Annual Report 2023


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