
invited stakeholders such as academia,
legal, media and software engineers.
Following the meetings, a report on the
adoption of AI was produced and will be
launched in March 2024.

Development Goal 16.10. The report is the
basis for evidence-based advocacy on the
safety of journalists in Southern Africa.

IMS validation meeting

In collaboration with Friedrich-EbertStiftung (FESMedia), MISA produced the
annual Transparency Assessment Index.
The report focused on Botswana, Lesotho,
Mozambique, Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia,
and Zimbabwe. Access to information
legislation is increasingly being enacted
in the region. However, authorities’
commitment to improving access to public
information must be measured. The
Transparency Assessment Index is a tool
that tests this commitment and is also an
advocacy tool to improve transparency.

On November 14 and 15, 2023, MISA
organised and hosted a meeting to validate
research on coalitions commissioned by
International Media Support (IMS). The
meeting was held in Cape Town, South
Africa. On November 14, 2023, the meeting
focused on the Southern Africa section of
the report. The following day, it focused on
the Africa-wide report. On the first day of
the meeting, 30 people attended, while 32
participated at the following day.
The validation meeting sought to develop a
framework for supporting media coalitions.
The framework included case studies of
successful media coalitions in East, West
and Southern Africa, as well as a model of
how media coalitions can work with nontraditional media sector actors (e.g., big
tech and business) with common interests.
This will help identify national-level,
regional-level and continent-level media
development priorities to shape the agenda
for media coalitions in Africa from 2024 to
2026 (and possibly beyond).

MISA Regional Publications
State of Press Freedom in Southern Africa
MISA produced the third State of Press
Freedom in Southern Africa Report.
This report looks at the state of access
to information, freedom of expression,
and freedom of the media in 10 Southern
African countries. It seeks to ascertain
how far Southern African countries would
have gone towards attaining Sustainable

MISA Regional Annual Report 2023

Transparency Assessment Index

ACHPR submissions
MISA made two presentations to the
African Commission on Human and
Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR). In the first
submission during the 75th Ordinary
Session of the ACHPR on 4 May 2023,
MISA raised concerns about growing selfcensorship in the region, which has been
occasioned by laws that stifle freedom
of expression and association. MISA also
pointed out that the area was experiencing
democratic backsliding and regression.
Furthermore, MISA also noted that
governments were reportedly resorting to
surveilling citizens without the requisite
policies or regulatory frameworks.
In its presentation, MISA also raised
concern about the harassment of female
journalists, particularly online.
MISA called on regional governments to:


Domesticate the United Nations Plan of
Action on the Safety of Journalists and
the Issue of Impunity.
Repeal legislation with the potential to


Select target paragraph3