MISA Regional Annual Report 2023

MISA Regional Programmes
Malawi Broadcasting Conference
MISA Malawi and MISA Regional jointly
organised a broadcasting conference on
30 March 2023. This came after a directive
from the Malawi Communications
Regulatory Authority (MACRA) shuttering
broadcasting stations that had not paid
their regulatory fees. MISA Malawi and
MISA Regional sought to reach common
ground with MACRA, pointing out that
the COVID-19 pandemic had affected the
revenues of media houses, and there was
a need for leeway on demanding licence
fees. In addition, MISA Malawi and MISA
Regional explained that pegging licence
fees in US dollars had a detrimental effect
on broadcasters’ ability to afford the fees,
considering that the country’s currency,
the kwacha, had been sharply devalued
On its part, MACRA said it would soon
commence a review of its regulations and
laws on the media and requested that MISA
be a part of the process.
World Press Freedom Day
MISA Regional participated in the
organisation of the Africa Media
Convention, a meeting of journalists,
stakeholders, academics and freedom
of expression activists on May 11,
2023, in Lusaka, Zambia. The AMC
coincides with World Press Freedom
Day commemorations. MISA Regional
invited Ministry of Information officials
from four countries – Namibia, Malawi,
Zambia and Zimbabwe to be part of the
commemorations. The four directors in the
Ministry of Information of the respective
countries also participated in the launch
of the annual State of Press Freedom


in Southern Africa report, where they
participated in a conversation on media
freedom in the region. Officials from
Namibia and Zambia endorsed the State of
Press Freedom in Southern Africa Report.
However, Malawi and Zambia voiced their
concern about some aspects of the report,
which the hosts adequately elaborated and
attended to.
Spaces of Solidarity
MISA Regional hosted the second meeting
of the Spaces of Solidarity platform. The
meeting was held over two-and-a-half
days from 12 to 14 September 2023 in
Johannesburg, South Africa and brought
together representatives from MISA
chapters and 13 other organisations.
Participants were drawn from MISA
chapters, Deutsche Welle Akademie, INK
Botswana, PANOS Institute Southern
Africa, The Hub Lesotho, CITE Zimbabwe,
the Centre for Human Rights University of
Pretoria, Cybersmart Botswana, Namibia
Media Trust, Media Council of Malawi,
IPPR/ACTION, WANIFRA and Bloggers of
The meeting shaped the organisations’
priorities for the coming year. The focus
is on four thematic areas: shrinking civic
space, safety and security of journalists,
digital rights and cybersecurity, and
freedom of expression.
Focus groups on the uptake of artificial
intelligence in the region
Three focus group meetings were held in
Bulawayo, Harare, and Johannesburg to
discuss the uptake of AI in Southern Africa.
Further virtual meetings were held with
Key Interview Informants (KII) in Lusaka,
Zambia; and Gaborone, Botswana. The
discussions focused on how often certain
groups of people interacted with AI and the
benefits to their professions. The meetings


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