The UPND District Officials visited the Radio Station to tender an official apology onair the following day and that is how the issue ended.
The second incident was that of a violent attack on Walamo Community Radio by community
members on 17th December following a programme that featured a Police official on a
programme dubbed Police and the community where he warned the community against witchcleansing being conducted by foreign herbalists in the area 3.

Above: Part of the damage caused in the attack on Walamo Community Radio. Picture courtesy of Walamo
Radio Facebook Page

The trend of political attacks against media houses has been a highlight of several editions of
the State of the Media Report released in the past twelve months, much to the dismay of
stakeholders and media freedom activists. In some of the incidents there was damage to
property and even harm on individual journalists. This trend is a threat to the media for several
Firstly, the net effect of the attacks is instilment of fear in journalists, who will not exercise
independent judgment or host individuals considered to be critical of the state (or even the
community as in the Walamo Radio incident) for fear of political retribution. In essence, this


According to a report by Walamo Community Radio as verified by MISA


Select target paragraph3