outlets. The Minister

indicted district political leadership which she noted should take

responsibility for the attack 2.
It is elating to note that on 14th December, Mpika FM Radio issued the following statement
which spelt out positive action from security wings to protect media freedom:
On Wednesday, 1st December 2021 around 20 hours, suspected UPND Cadres stormed
the Radio Station and disturbed a Live Phone-In Program.
The Station was hosting the Mpika Constituency Member of Parliament, Honourable
Francis Robert Kapyanga of the PF Party on a Live Phone-In Program dubbed “100
Days of the MP in Office” where developmental issues were being discussed.
The group ordered the Presenter of the Program to stop the Program immediately,
failure to which they would attack him and the security guard on duty and destroy the
property of the Station.
The matter was reported to Mpika Police Station on Thursday, 2nd December 2021
where a Statement was recorded from Station Manager, the Presenter and the Security
Guard on duty.
On Friday, 3rd December 2021, the Presenter and the Security Guard were summoned
to the Police Station to identify the attackers. The duo gave a positive ID and the
attackers were arrested and detained.
On the same day, the Station Manager was called by the UPND District and Provincial
Party Officials to negotiate for the release of their members after being advised by the
Police that there was nothing they could do to secure the release of their members, and
that they would appear in court the following Monday.
After discussing with the UNPD Party Officials and them showing remorse over what
happened and further promising that they would ensure that such an incidence never
takes place again by disciplining their erring members, the Station Manager decided
to consult the Board Chairperson on the way forward.
After discussion with the Chairperson and the Presenter, it was decided that the Radio
Station should drop the case in the interest of peace and accept that this should be the
last time such an incident would occur, otherwise the station would take legal action in
future against such culprits, without remorse.


See https://www.znbc.co.zm/news/kasanda-warns-political-hooliganism/


Select target paragraph3