

Socio-political environment

The social-political environment in the quarter under review was eventful with
pronouncements and occurrences reminiscent of certain incidents recorded in previous
There were two reported incidents of violence against journalists/media houses during the
quarter, compared to one recorded in the previous quarter. The first incident was that of a
disruption of a live phone-in programme on Mpika Radio on 1st December 1. The Radio Station
issued the following statement after the incident:
The Board, Management and Staff of Mpika FM Radio would like to express
disappointment over what happened on Wednesday, 1st December 2021 around 20
hours when suspected UPND Members stormed the Radio Station and disturbed a Live
Phone-In Program.
The Station was hosting the Mpika Constituency Member of Parliament, Honourable
Francis Robert Kapyanga on a Live Phone-In Program dubbed “100 Days of the MP
in Office” where developmental issues were being discussed.
A group of people stormed the Radio Station around 20 hours and ordered the
Presenter of the Program to stop the Program immediately, failure to which they would
attack him and the security guard on duty and destroy the property of the Station. They
said no Politician from the opposition should feature on Radio anymore. They
threatened to deal with the Radio Station, the MP and anyone else who would allow the
Radio Station to feature opposition Political Parties and their members. The Presenter
complied with them and discontinued the Program for fear of being attacked.
The matter was reported to Mpika Police Station on Thursday, 2nd December 2021
where a Statement was recorded from Station Manager, the Presenter and the Security
Guard on duty. Investigations are still underway by the Police and so far no suspects
have been apprehended.
Government through the Minister of Information and Media, Chushi Kasanda, expressed
displeasure, warning of stern action against any individuals perpetrating violence against media


As reported by the Radio Station and verified by MISA


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