When these young people insult one woman, they are actually insulting
you too,” she said.
The Minister has since called upon young people to desist from the
agenda of insulting the elderly as any person walking in the street is their
family. Meanwhile, Prof. Luo has said the Caucus for Women
Parliamentarians will, during this sitting, sponsor a Private Members’ Bill
which seeks to protect women against abuse especially in the
This is against the backdrop of several arrests of citizens for defamation of the
President on social media platforms as well as cases of cyberbullying. While
the concerns on cyberbullying and criminality conducted online are welcome,
it is also important that this is not taken advantage to clampdown on critical
voices or dissenting opinions expressed online mainly due to shrinking
freedoms in the conventional space44. As stated in the discussion in the sociopolitical and legal environment above, there are many laws that exist in the
statute books (among them defamation of the President), which are inimical
to freedom of expression and of the press in Zambia. It is therefore important
to realise the unique capabilities of the internet space and to create a
conducive environment for citizens to enjoy the benefits of such platforms
through timely and accurate provision of information by relevant stakeholders
to curtail speculation. On this, one of the key informants, Youngson Ndawana,
a Doctoral researcher at the Liverpool John Moores University in the United
Kingdom, noted:
We have a great presence of news media on online platforms and the
internet reach has increased exponentially. Whether the traditional
media is taken out or not, there is still potential to dictate debate on
various online platforms. Look at how government machinery always
responds to issues that gain traction online and this epitomises the power
of social media platforms that we as the media in general would do well
to capitalise and employ in terms of pushing the agenda. It is an
important opportunity for media to continue utilising these platforms and
facilitating debate using platforms that have been proven to work and
going forward the government will be engaged to respond further.

Ndawana, Y. (2015) Policy Brief on media law and policy in Zambia. Lusaka: MISA.
pg. 40

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