media institutions. These include the Information and Communications
Technology Act No. 15 of 2009 and the Electronic Communications and
Transactions Act No. 21 of 2009.
A similar warning for citizens was also made by Minister of Information and
Broadcasting Services, Hon. Dora Siliya on 22nd June43, who stated that
government would not tolerate anyone using any social media platforms to
insult the President or any citizen. She noted that while government
recognises the fact that citizens have the right to use social media, it will not
take kindly to any citizen abusing the cyberspace to infringe on another’s
rights with impunity. This was said at a joint press briefing with Chairperson
of the Caucus of Women Parliamentarians, Professor Nkandu Luo. The report
as carried on the Ministry of Information Facebook Page stated:
Prof. Luo called on the Human Rights Commission to unpack the issue of
rights and start guiding the country on where everybody’s rights end.
Professor Luo said the Commission should begin explaining the rights of
people as each gender and age has their own rights that should be clearly
understood. “In Zambia human rights have been abused as people now
only think that freedom of expression is insulting each other on social
media,” she observed.
Professor Luo said the country was a better place for its citizens before
the introduction of social media which she said has brought more harm
than good. “It is strange that young people have found it easy and
fashionable to insult adults. This is shameful and only causes one to
wonder what our country has come to,” she said.
She said there was urgent need to bring the practice to a stop and revive
a culture where women were respected regardless of their status in
society. “How can young people hide behind a computer and insult
women and other women are quiet? Where are women organizations?


As monitored on the Ministry of Information Facebook page at
pg. 39

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