These observations were actually noted in the second quarter when a group
of youths out-smarted Police and used Facebook to stream their protest live
from an unknown location after Police banned their planned march and
deployed officers all over the capital city in a bid to quail the activities of the
defiant youth group45. The youths attracted an audience of 12, 000 online
viewers and delivered their intended message despite the police manhunt. It
is clear, therefore, that arbitrary restrictions posed by certain laws such as
the Public Order Act are being circumvented by the use of online platforms,
which are becoming the new public sphere. One of the key informants,
Macdonald Chipenzi, an electoral expert and Executive Director of GEARS,
Online spaces have been the only refuge for citizens though it is under
serious government surveillance. A number of people have been arrested
or sued over their stories, chats and contributions online such as use of
Facebook, whatsApp.
Another issue worth noting from the early part of the first quarter was a
suspected internet blackout in Southern Province which was later termed as
a network outage according to reports carried in the media. Such shutdowns
have been experienced in other countries in times of elections and social
tension as was the case with suspected ritual killings and cases of gassing at
the time. It is therefore no wonder that many stakeholders raised concern and
expressed interest in the strange internet blackout. Some studies conducted
in Zambia on internet-based information controls particularly considering the
2016 elections and the period 2011-2012 found that Zambia was moving to
second and third generation control strategies while cases of overt blocking
were recorded in the pre-2014 period46. It is gratifying, however, that the
Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA)
clarified the internet blackout as carried in a story by News Diggers on 21st
February as follows:


In a report titled “Manifestation of realpolitik in cyberspace: Analysis of the relationship between internetbased information controls and Elections in Zambia”. Available at

pg. 41

Select target paragraph3