Further, government appeals to the conscious of radio and television
stations to try as much as possible to promote unity in the nation by
focusing on programming that will galvanize support towards the fight
against COVID-1932.
This is a commendable move by government which must be encouraged if the
many violations against the media fraternity are to be nipped in the bud. Such
pronouncements must be further accompanied by tangible action and
reprimand of government officers found wanting in such circumstances. It is
also important for law enforcement agencies to professionally perform their
duties in ensuring perpetrators of such heinous crimes are brought to book,
regardless of their political affiliation. Amicable, democratic avenues must be
sought in the presentation of grievances against a media house. This is
actually provided for under the IBA Act No. 17 of 2002 (as amended by Act 26
of 2010), where an aggrieved person is at liberty to present a complaint to a
media house which is mandated to act within the stipulated period. Such
consideration was noted in an incident in May, in which Minister of
Information and Broadcasting Services, Hon. Dora Siliya wrote to Diggers
Newspaper expressing concern over the use of the word “stupid” in one of the
newspaper’s editorials, a move which accorded cordial exchange of
correspondence and views between the two parties.
It is gratifying to note also, that positive developments were recorded
regarding a violation in which a Breeze Fm Journalist, Grace Lungu was
assaulted during the Mkomba ward local government by election in 2019 by
a Patriotic Front cadre, Frank Mwale. On 6th April, 2020, the Lundazi
Magistrate Court found Mwale guilty of assault and theft and sentenced him
to two years’ imprisonment on the count of assault and two years suspended
sentence on the charge of theft of K400 belonging to Ms Lungu33. It is
important, therefore, for media associations and individuals alike to ensure
that such violations reach their logical conclusion in the courts of law to deter


Available on the Ministry of Information Facebook page as posted on 17 th May, 2020. See
As monitored by MISA Zambia officers who attended the hearing in the Lundazi Magistrate court.
pg. 32

Select target paragraph3