would-be offenders. The action by MISA Zambia to ensure justice through
provision of legal support is commendable.
Other positive developments in the second quarter include commemoration of
the World Press Freedom Day, which is celebrated annually on 3rd May. This
year’s commemoration, which was marked by various virtual activities in view
of the restrictions posed by regulations under the Coronavirus pandemic was
commemorated under the theme “journalism without fear or favour”. This was
a departure from the usual norm of physical gatherings and celebrations that
are held in provincial centres countrywide.
Also worth noting in the second quarter was the meeting held between the
MISA Zambia and the republican President, His Excellency Mr Edgar Chagwa
Lungu on 11th June to discuss various issues arising from an oral and written
submission by MISA Zambia highlighting concerns on media freedom,
freedom of expression, Access to Information and digital rights. The Head of
State has since committed to respond to the concerns raised by MISA Zambia
after studying the submission. President Lungu reiterated his commitment
towards the Constitutional freedoms of expression and of the media, further
stating that the PF government will protect the media as the country goes to
the polls in 202134. The sentiments by the President are encouraging
especially in the wake of the increasing violations against the media and the
trends observed in past elections where such violations are on the rise during
campaigns. What remains, thus, is translation of these promises into action
by relevant government wings.
Overall, the second quarter proved to be less free with regard to the sociopolitical environment as compared to the first quarter. This can be attributed
to the increased political attacks on media outlets and individuals, affronts
on media freedom as well as major occurrences such as the closure of Prime
Television in suspicious circumstances, among other issues observed in the
alerts included in the appendix. The work of the media remained inhibited


As covered by ZNBC on 11th June, 2020. See
pg. 33

Select target paragraph3