broadcasting station to lodge a complaint to the IBA. The procedure is
clearly provided in sections 34 to 37.
It is, therefore, total violation of the IBA Act, and an embarrassment to
the Government and its leadership, for any person to procure other
people to storm a radio station and disrupt a broadcast programme or
to order a broadcast station to broadcast in a certain manner.
Government condemns, in the strongest terms, reported incidents
involving some suspected PF cadres who attempted to stop a radio
programme on Muchinga Radio that featured the opposition United








Hichilema. Government also condemns the incident in Mpika district
where Mr. Hichilema is reported to have been barred from featuring on
Mpika Community Radio.
The two unfortunate incidents have no blessings from Government.
Government remains committed to the promotion of citizens’ rights,
including the right to freedom of expression, as guaranteed in the
national Constitution, provided that the freedom is exercised within the
confines of the law.
Further, government remains resolute in its support and promotion of
media freedoms in the country, as can be seen by the growing numbers
of licensed radio and television stations.
It is important to appreciate that broadcast houses have standards to
which they conform and therefore, if any person is aggrieved with any
radio or television programme, they should follow the complaint
procedure as outlined in the IBA Act to seek redress, as has been
demonstrated by very high ranking officials in the ruling party before.
As the country continues to fight the Covid-19, government appreciates
any support aimed at enhancing the fight against the pandemic be it
material contribution or information dissemination for as long as that
information is void of politics. Therefore, government can only wish that
the UPND leader would also use the opportunity on radio to encourage
Zambians to join hands in fighting against the Covid-19 pandemic.

pg. 31

Select target paragraph3