much to the consternation of suspected Patriotic Front cadres who physically
attacked the stations to interrupt the interview programmes. Some of the key
informants interviewed attributed this to the effect of an uneven political
playing field. Enock Ngoma, Chairperson of the Media Liaison Committee,
The political environment can never be safe for the media as long as
politicians through party cadres continue harassing media personnel for
giving coverage to opposition political parties. It is obvious that the
political playing field in Zambia is not level or even and it is difficult for
the media to bring out this aspect for fear of retribution from those in
power. A number of media houses especially electronic, find themselves
in situations where their media freedom is curtailed because their
stations are attacked violently by those that do not want to hear different
views from those that are not enjoying political power.









overstepping their jurisdiction to stop certain programmes on community
radio stations in their districts, a trend which is unlawful. Chief Government
Spokesperson, Dora Siliya, spoke out on this trend and stated:
Government is deeply disturbed by reports of interference in the
programming of some radio stations in Mpika and Chinsali districts,
where some broadcast programmes have reportedly been disrupted and
some unlawful directives ordered.
Government wishes to place on record that there are laws in place, with
very specific provisions of who has authority, to regulate broadcasting
in the country.
The nation may recall that one of the earliest milestones of the Patriotic
Front (PF) Government was the implementation of the Independent
Broadcasting Authority (IBA) Act of 2002, which culminated into the
operationalisation of the IBA in 2013, as a regulator of the broadcasting
industry in the country.
The IBA Act provides for every citizen, whether in their official or
individual capacity, who feels aggrieved by the conduct of any
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Select target paragraph3