Cap 230, R.E. 2002

The Films and The Whole Act
Stage Plays Act
(Act No. 4 of

Repeal the whole Act

- The Act contradicts
Article 18 of the Constitutionof the United
Republic of Tanzania,
1977 on right to seek,
receive and impart
information regardless
of frontiers.
- The regulation of obscene publications is
provided under section 175 of the Penal
Code, Cap. 16 R.E.
2002, thus need not
be repeated

Cap 97, R.E. 2002

The Regional Ad- Sections 7 and 15 Repeal Sections 7 and The provisions have
ministration Act
been used by regional
(Act No. 19 of
commissioners and dis1997)
trict commissioners to
infringe the rights and
freedoms of journalists.
Such provisions were
also included in the report of the late Nyalali,
CJ (as he then was) as
the laws that infringe
human rights.

Cap. 229, R.E. 2002 The Newspapers The whole Act
Act, N0. 3 of 1976

Repeal the whole Act

- Provisions relating
to regulation of media and accreditation
of journalists have
been advanced and
included in the Media
Services Bill, 2008.
- No more need for
the Newspapers Act
because all media can
now be regulated by
one regulatory body
– Tanzania Communications Regulatory
Authority (TCRA)
- The Newspapers Act
contains obsolete and
authoritarian provisions which create a
hostile environment
for existence of a free
and independent media in the country

So This Is Democracy? 2008


Media Institute of Southern Africa

Select target paragraph3