Cap. 328, R.E. 2002 The Petroleum Section 10
(Exploration and
Production) Act,
Cap. 328, R.E.

Amend section 10 to The prohibition of disremove restrictions closure of information in
against disclosure of Section 10 is unnecesinformation
sary as it does not serve
any purpose.

Section 57

- Amended by adding,
The information obimmediately after sub- tained must be subjected
section (1) a new sub to public scrutiny
section (2) with the
following words “ 2.
All such information
as prescribed in the
first schedule shall be
laid before Parliament
by the Minister”
- Renumbering the sub
sections accordingly

Cap. 123, R.E. 2002

The Mining Act, Section 21
Cap. 123, R.E.

Section 99

Amend section 21 to - Minerals are public
remove restrictions
resources the informaagainst disclosure of
tion on which should
information based on
be readily available to
consent of the mineral
the public.
rights holder
Amendment by adding
immediately after subsection (1) the words “
and such information
shall be laid before Parliament by the Minister”

Cap. 399, R.E. 2002 T h e Ta n z a n i a Section 8
Revenue Authority Act, Cap. 399,
R. E. 2002

Repeal Section 8

Cap. 58, R.E. 2002

Amend by renumbering - This is to limit the
it as a new section 93
arbitrariness of the
(1). Add another sub
section (2) with the
following words: “The - The amendment is
Commissioner shall not
aimed also at promotunreasonably withhold
ing compliance with
information relating to
international human
condition of prisons and
rights standards relatprisoners, experience in
ing to the rights of
prison and administraprisoners and treattion of any prison to any
ment of offenders

The Prisons Act, Sections 93
Cap. 58, R.E.

So This Is Democracy? 2008


The provision promotes
tax evasion. It is contrary to right to access
information as provided
in the Constitution and
the Right To Information
Act 2008.

Media Institute of Southern Africa

Select target paragraph3