Appendix 1: a list of laws which impede access to information,
press freedom and freedom of expression that
need to be either repealed, amended or reviewed
from a study conducted by the Coalition on
Freedom of expression and Media
Regulation 7(1), Annul Regulation 7(1), Regulation 7 is in total
(2) and (3)
(2) and (3)
infringement of the best
international practice
on access to information by requiring the
requestor of information to assign reasons
or lodging complaint
before obtaining information
It is also a breach of
natural justice of “audi
alteram Partem” meaning “ no one shall be
convicted unheard”
especially when the
requestor alleges before getting relevant
information against the
Prior disclosure of a
cause may lead to obtaining false or manipulated information.

Cap. 322 R.E. The Police Force Sections 43, 44, Amend Sections 43, 44, - the provisions pro2002
and Auxiliary 45 and 46
45 and 46 to promote
vide too much subPolice Act, Cap.
right to information,
jective discretionary
322, R.E. 2002
freedom of assembly,
powers to police ofprocession and expresficers and do not lay
sion as guaranteed by
down objective crithe Constitution of the
teria for issuing stop
United Republic of
orders. Such powers
Tanzania 1977
may be arbitrarily
- The provisions do
not impose duty on
police officers to
facilitate the guaranteed freedom of
assembly. Protection
to assemblies and
processions is not
legally guaranteed in
the Act.

So This Is Democracy? 2008


Media Institute of Southern Africa

Select target paragraph3