Act No.

Short Title

Relevant section Recommendations/Ac- Reasons
tion to be taken

CAP. 398 R.E. 2002 The Public Lead- Section 13 (1)
ership Code of
Ethics Act, (Cap.
398, R.E. 2002)

The Sub-section should
be amended to read “A
public leader shall declare interest and shall
not take part in deliberations of the Cabinet,
National Assembly, a
local government Authority or a committee
thereof, or in or at any
other official forum or
part of it, on any matter
in which he has a direct
pecuniary interest.”

The existing provision
guarantee the breach of
the principles of natural
justice “ nemo Judex in
causa sua” meaning no”
one shall stand a judge
on his own cause”

Section 17(1) (c ) Repeal subsection 17(1) The provision contradict
the right to information
as guaranteed by Article
18 of the Constitution of
the United Republic of
Tanzania, 1977. It also
promotes secrecy in the
government, hence uninformed citizenry
The Public Lead- Regulation 6 (1) Annul Regulation 6(1)
ership Code of and (2)
and (2)
Regulation 6 is in total
Ethics (Declarainfringement of the best
tion of Interests,
international practice on
Assets and Liabilaccess to information by
ities) Regulations,
requiring the requestor
G.N. G.Ns. Nos.
of information to assign
108 of 1996
reasons of lodging com261 of 2001
plaint before obtaining
information. It is also a
breach of natural justice
of “audi alteram Partem” meaning “no one
shall be convicted unheard” especially when
the requestor alleges
before getting g relevant
information against the

So This Is Democracy? 2008


Media Institute of Southern Africa

Select target paragraph3