
training emphasized by the training institutions;
Media houses bought by politicians for example Habari Corporation caused a major
upset in the media scene when it was sold to a politician. It was the only media
owned and managed by the journalists;
The purchasing power of the people has gone down making it difficult for them to
afford media products. This has also seen circulation going down.

5) Who could be the drivers/actors for change in the future?
The media professionals in consultations with the stakeholders in particular the
civil society and the public;
MISA to coordinate the professionals to undertake the changes that the media deems
The Government should have a role to play as it is a major stakeholder of the media.
6) What kind of activities are needed over the next two years?
Intensification of the national debate on the status of journalism in Tanzania especially whether it is a trade or profession;
Continue with policy and legal reforms;
Unionization of journalists;
Creation of media literacy programmes;
Capacity building of journalists;
Harmonization of the training of journalists, and push to have a standardized curriculum;
Government to level the playing field in terms of advertising revenue;
Give feedback/disseminate to the media about the results of the African Media

The panel meeting took place at the Zamani Kempinski Hotel, Zanzibar, Tanzania
on July 5 and 6, 2008.
The Panel:
Ms. Rose Haji Mwalimu, National Director MISA-Tanzania Chapter; Mr. John Bwire,
Managing Editor Raia Mwema; Mr. Hassan Mitawi, Director Information Services
- Zanzibar; Fr. Modest Katonto, Communications Manager - Tanzania Episcopal
Conference; Mr. Lawrence Kilimwiko, Media Consultant; Ms. Safina Hassan, Lawyer
(WLAC); Dr. Rehema Nchimbi, Lecturer at the University of Dar es Salaam; Mr. Fili
Karashani, Media Consultant and Mr. Baruthi-Ally K. Mambo, MD & Managing
Editor, Radio Sibuka FM.
The Rapporteur:
Ms. Pili Mtambalike
The Facilitators:
Ms. Grace Githaiga and Zoé Titus
So This Is Democracy? 2008


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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