k. New Magazines: Leisure - tourism, Visions – business information, Mohloli - business
l. New News Agency: Afrol
m. Publishing achievements
i. Leselinyana newspaper celebrated its 175 anniversary;
ii. Moeletsi turned 75 years
n. MISA’s regional chairperson, Thabo Thakalekoala, resigned to join politics
o. Lesotho film Industry produced 2 films: Kau la poho (HIV AIDS awareness funded by
Global Fund) and ‘Untitled’ (part of the Sitengi initiative)
p. Prime Minister talks to the media, and is more vocal about regional/global issues such
as putting pressure on Zimbabwe’s President Mugabe.
2. If positive changes, who or what has been the main cause?
a. Lesotho offers more investment opportunities in the media, specifically online media
b. The 2010 Soccer World Cup is being actively promoted as an investment and development opportunity for the media
c. Lesotho leading a number of global initiatives, EPAs, WTO, International Court of
d. Media and government relations have improved – MISA and Ministry of communications interacting more often. Thakalekoala’s resignation prompted renewed commitment
from government.
e. Music industry is growing, more artists are recording.
f. MISA Lesotho’s strategic plan is now being developed.
3. What are the main obstacles for further positive change?
a. Lack of government involvement and commitment in the development of an enabling
environment for the media.
b. Laws: old proclamations are still in place, despite the country being a democratic constitutional rule, e.g. the Company Registration Act, the Society’s Act etc. New laws
that are conducive to business have to be developed. The World Bank funded Private
Sector Competitiveness and Economic Diversification project is working the Companies
Registration and the Business Licensing Acts. It is also addressing the Passport issuing
backlog and the design of the National ID card.
c. The global economic crisis
d. Lack of skills of journalists resulting in low capacity
e. Absence of standards and a Code for journalists and associations.
f. Increased political animosity post the 2007 elections
g. No public service broadcasting
h. Lack of access-to-information legislation
i. Absence of a national media policy
j. Owners meddling in editorial policy
k. Journalists themselves, not getting involved, driving media advocacy and internal fighting
4. If negative changes, who or what has been the main cause.
a. The increasing involvement of Zimbabwean journalists in Lesotho.
i. In June 08 a forum held by the LCN debated the xenophobic attacks in SA. The
general feeling was that anti-foreign sentiment in Lesotho is largely as a result of
the Chinese trading in small business, and Zimbabweans who seem to be given
more opportunities than Basotho.
ii. Quoting the Minister of communications: “The media should watch its role because
the media set Rwanda on a genocide path.” People are using or abusing their access
to the media to make it this issue what it isn’t – xenophobia. MISA should step in,
to call it what it is.
So This Is Democracy? 2008


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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