Limkokwing University of Creative Technology has just started their first programmes and
will be evaluated in time.
Score – 1,1,2,2,3,2,2,1 = 1.8


Journalists and other media practitioners are organized in trade unions
and/or professional associations.

There is a move in the southern African region to resuscitate journalist unions. Similar attempts
in Lesotho resulted in the Labour Commissioner refusing to register the formation of a union,
arguing that government employs the majority of journalists, and those in the private sector
are employers.
Score – 1,2,2,1,2,1,2,1 = 1.5
Average Sector Score – 1.6

OVERALL SCORE FOR SECTOR 3: 1.6 (2006= 2.0)

Discussion and the way forward
1. Have there been any changes in the media environment over the last two years.
a. Media landscape
i. 12 radio stations
ii. 2 TV stations,
iii. 65 registered publications - newspapers and magazines.
b. Legislation
i. Broadcasting fees have increased. See Sector 2.4 for details.
ii. Telecommunication Bill was amended to give the Minister of Communications the
final approval on the issuing and revoking of licences.
iii. The Broadcasting Classification Regulations 2007 now specify and differentiate
Public, Private, Commercial and Community broadcasting.
iv. New Advertising Agency Bill was passed.
v. Litigation against media houses has increased.
c. Women Media ownership
i. Informative newspaper
ii. Public eye
d. Media Education
i. Limkokwing University of Creative Technology opened.
e. Lesotho Communications Authority suspended a Radio station (Harvest FM)
f. Increase in hate speech - Independent media houses recommending others shouldn’t
get government advertising.
g. Global Economic Crisis – printing costs have gone up about 27%
h. More media recognition awards – Sports, Health, MISA Award.
i. Process for the first community radio station started
j. Two community councils have introduced newsletters.
So This Is Democracy? 2008


Media Institute of Southern Africa

Select target paragraph3