b. Access to information – The lack of public service broadcasting. A regulator board
appointed by the minister, defeats the whole purpose of appointing that board.
5. Who could be the drivers or actors for change in the future and what kind of activities
are needed to over the next two years?
a. Journalists have to be an effective lobby group.
b. Professional bodies like MISA have to run campaigns and advocate for change.
c. Diverse institutions need to be involved, and other stakeholders - ISAS – (NUL) studies
on media, APRM, IEMS, Editors’ forum,
d. Ideals enshrined in the APRM should be taken advantage of with a many other stakeholders.
e. MISA should lead the process, but should first devise programmes relevant to NGOs
for lobbying.
f. Constitutional Reform – Media must become more organised and more vocal in advocating for constitutional reform.
g. Put in place a MISA Lesotho Three-year Strategic Plan into action.
6. Five top Activities
a. Development of a Code of Ethics
b. Media Advocacy and Lobby Strategy
c. Formation of an Editors’ Forum
d. National Media Dialogue – Private sector, government, other stakeholders
f. Public conscientisation of the role of the media
MISA involvement in the Lesotho APRM
1. Once it is adopted, the APRM cannot be changed. The media must therefore act now
before the report is presented.
2. Thabo Thakalekoala should write a report about his involvement in the process.
3. MISA must engage the secretariat to establish what the media input has been to date,
and determine if this is adequate. Interview the chairperson as a matter of urgency.
4. Submit the AMB report as a situation analysis and self-assessment for the APRM.
1. There is need for a public broadcaster, answerable to parliament in terms of its budgetary
performance and implementation of its public service mandate. It should have a Board
independent of government involving the public and other stakeholders. Presently the
board of the LCA is reporting to the minister. Initiatives should be undertaken to ensure
the independence of the broadcaster.
2. MISA should increase its issue a statement coming out of the AMB.
3. The media is not strategic. Whilst other lobby sectors are able to take to the streets and
campaign for change, the media in Lesotho shy away from their own issues. There is
need to strategise a concerted approach.
4. The AMB should influence MISA Lesotho’s programming, and be used as a tool to
cultivate more interaction between media and other civil society organisations. MISA
Lesotho should be more focussed on access to information and regulation through
strategies that catch the imagination.

So This Is Democracy? 2008


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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