Impact of Covid 19 on Media Sustainability

Impact on journalism profession

Published at the end of May 2020, the SANEF
interim research report on the impact of the
Covid-19 crisis on the media concluded that
hundreds of jobs had been lost but could not
be precise. The country has in recent years
seen a steady decline in the number of fulltime journalists. The Wits Journalism State of
the Newsroom 2018 report noted that a survey
showed the number of professional journalists
in South Africa had been “slashed in half” over
a decade to around 5 000 - and some interviewed
for the survey believed the job loss figure could
be higher.43 After the SANEF study, Media24
announced that the rationalization of its
news operations would affect around 510 staff
members, with around 660 posts closed. The

implication is that some – and they were not
all journalists - might be re-employed in the
company, but that many jobs would be lost in
one company.44
The Primedia Group, owner of the oldest
independent radio stations in South Africa,
announced in mid-July that it would be
retrenching an unspecified number of staff.45
Caxton & CTP Publishers and Printers in
September in its annual results announcement,
said its restructuring to cope with the tough
trading conditions the group expects “for the
foreseeable future” would lead to estimated job
losses “up to 1 500 positions once completed, out
of a pre-Covid-19 staff complement of some 6 000

43. Alan (ed.) Finlay, “State of the Newsroom 2018” (Wits Journalism School, March 2018),
uploads/2018/03/906-STATE-OF-THE-NEWSROOM-2018-REPRINT- V2.pdf.
44. Media24, “Media24 Media Release.”
45. T. M. O. Reporter, “Primedia Group Starts Retrenchment Process,” The Media Online, July 16, 2020,//


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