Impact of Covid 19 on Media Sustainability

persons.”46 No breakdown was given of what
positions, so it is unknown how many journalists
will be retrenched, but for a publishing and
printing company to get rid of a quarter of its
staff complement is a drastic step that is bound
to affect the newspapers the company publishes
and shows how other publishers, some of whom
print their newspapers using Caxton presses,
have fared and are expected to fare.

because although it has to buy programme
material to attract audiences its staff costs are
disproportionate, with 40c out of every rand of
revenue spent on staff costs and 28c on acquiring
content.52 According to the SABC’s strategic plan,
the Covid- 10 crisis had deeply reduced revenue
and the parlous State finances would also affect
both advertising revenue and TV licence revenue
in future.53

The Covid-19 crisis forced Zambian publication
The Daily Nation to cut staff by 50%, according to
Editor Mary Mbewe.47The Namibian retrenched
by a similar percentage.48 In Botswana, the
government put a hold on retrenchments during
the state of emergency, so news media job losses
may still happen.49

In Zambia, too, the State media have been affected
because though they are “anchored by the State”
the state only bankrolls basic operational costs.
Sometimes staffers go for several months without
being paid at The Times of Zambia, and sometimes
at Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation.”54

Job cuts are not confined to the private,
independent news media, though State-owned
news media may find it hard to retrench. The
South African public broadcaster has for some
time tried to undertake its own retrenchment
process, in the teeth of political opposition,
including from the Minister of Communications.50
The South African Broadcasting Corporation’s
latest reported plan is to cut 600 permanent
jobs and 1 200 freelance posts. 51 Already the
recipient of R3.2 billion in a direct bail-out from
government and therefore unable to ask for
more from the cash-strapped state, the SABC
has argued that it has no option but to retrench

Salary cuts
Newspapers around the region have resorted to
salary cuts to save jobs. At the Namibian salary
cuts were instituted, and waiver of benefits –
one of which was the 13th cheque. 55 In South
Africa, salary cuts, temporary layoffs, pension
holidays and conversion of paid leave to salary
were resorted to across the industry.56 The Caxton
group - which has major printing and packaging
operations as well as publishing country-wide
free-sheets and one major newspaper - instituted
cuts to salaries and
wages across the group for a three-month period,
together with employees taking their annual

46. SENS, “CAXTON & CTP Publishers and Printers Reviewed Provisional Results for the Year Ended 30 June 2020” (Stock Exchange
News Service, September 21, 2020).
47. Simone Flueckiger, “African Publishers Adapting to Offset COVID-19 Challenges - World News Publishing Focus by WAN-IFRA,”
September 21, 2020, to-offset-covid-19-challenges.
48. Titus, Zoom interview Covid-19 impact Zoe Titus.
49. Konopo, Botswana INK media.
50. Bekezela Phakathi, “Ndabeni-Abrahams Halts SABC Job Cuts over Lack of Staff Consultation,” Business Live, August 26, 2020, cuts-over-lack-of-staff-consultation/.
51. Staff Reporter, “EFF Condemns SABC Retrenchment Plans,” SABC News - Breaking news, special reports, world, business,
sport coverage of all South African current events. Africa’s news leader. June 20, 2020,
52. Thinus Ferreira, “TV with Thinus: SABC Now Spends Almost Double on Paying Staff than on Content - 40 Cents out of Every Rand
Compared to 28; Says Its Revenue Is Already R1.5 Billion under Budget Because of Debilitating Impact of Covid-19 as Advertisers
Withdraw Ad Spend.,” TV with Thinus (blog), May 20, 2020,
53. Rumney, “SANEF’S COVID 19 Impact on Journalism Report (Interim),” 20.
54. Mukela John, Managing partner, Makanday Centre for Investigative Journalism.
55. Titus, Zoom interview Covid-19 impact Zoe Titus.
56. Rumney, “SANEF’S COVID 19 Impact on Journalism Report (Interim),” 31.


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