Impact of Covid 19 on Media Sustainability

According to the editor of Zimbabwe’s The Standard, Kholwani Nyathi, “We have had to completely stop
printing physical newspapers and instead have moved our content online for both safety and economic
reasons.”42 Unlike the Financial Mail, at least some will stay online. 150-year-old local newspaper
Grocottt’s Mail now has an e-paper edition that circulates far more widely than the newspaper does.
Self-isolation, lockdowns, and working from home all initially pushed more readers of newspapers
online, continuing a trend that has been gradual and inexorable until the pandemic. It is too soon to
tell how many readers will return to print editions, but the statistics show a remarkable surge in new
viewers of news websites in March and April – and for some an increase that has not been entirely
reversed as the strict lockdown ended and more workers returned to offices. The biggest gainer has
been News24, already the most viewed South African news website.
The gain in News24 viewing comes despite it having introduced a freemium paywall on the 8th of
August 2020 to encourage subscriptions to its premium output, while commoditized breaking news
remains free. In this it follows Arena Holdings, publishers of business publications among others,
and the Money Web financial news website, and those in the news industry who maintain that as
advertising revenue declines it must be replaced by reader revenue.
Table 1: Website audience by Unique Browser South Africa


Unique Browsers

% Difference



September Mar - Sep

Feb - Sept

5 950 586

12 069 885

11 427 703



5 823 122

7 684 965

6 22 819



5 383 543

7 389 704

5 615 460



4 313 191

5 056 594

3 527 961



3 780 576

5 592 804

5 687 989



[Source: IAB SA, Author’s own calculations]

42. Ilmo Ilkka, “Growing Press Freedom Violations in Africa amid COVID-19,” International Press Institute (blog), April 28, 2020, media/.


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