Impact of Covid 19 on Media Sustainability

Going Online

Most interesting was the decision of Media24
in May to stop distributing a print edition of
its mass market Sun newspaper to all but four
provinces in South Africa, Gauteng, Limpopo,
Mpumalanga and North West. The rest of the
country would be served by an online version
The Sun, a popular tabloid. Since a digital divide
exists in South Africa, and like other dividing
lines is based on income and race, it could be
argued that the paper’s predominantly black
and low-income audience would be excluded,
but the group boasted of the paper’s presence
online, and recent market research showed the
prevalence of smartphones together with access
at the workplace and free Wi-Fi hotspots was
making online publications more accessible.37

Around the region, publishers have decided that
some publications should migrate permanently
or temporarily online, and often the format has
been the e-paper, especially where printing has
been physically impossible. 38 The Botswana
Gazette, The Patriot on Sunday, and Newsday
in Botswana and Zimbabwe were reportedly
circulating PDF copies online. “Others, such
as The Voice in Botswana, have switched to
Press Reader, a digital newspaper distribution
platform.”39 During the first phase of the strict
lockdown in South Africa, when magazines
could not be published, the Financial Mail was
distributed as an e-paper readable through the
ISUU service.40 ZimPapers in Zimbabwe too
has migrated some of its newspapers online.41

37. Glenda Nevill, “Daily Sun Changes Footprint, Goes Digital Only in Five Provinces,” The Media Online (blog), May 4, 2020, //
38. Rumney, “SANEF’S COVID 19 Impact on Journalism Report (Interim),” 26.
39. Ntibinyane Ntibinyane, “Coronavirus May Spell the End for Many of Africa’s Print Newspapers,” Global Investigative Journalism
Network, April 27, 2020, for-many-of-africas-print-newspapers/.
40. “FREE | Read the Full April 9 Edition of Financial Mail,” Business LIVE, accessed October 16, 2020,
41. ZimPapers, “Reviewed Condensed Half-Year Results of Zimbabwe Newspapers (1980) Ltd for Year Ended June 2020” (Zimbabwe
Stock Exchange, September 24, 2020).


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