• Poor management of Unions and associations of Journalists.
Most members lack the lobbying capacities.
• Absence of solidarity among the media practitioners.
4. If negative changes: who or what has been the main cause?
• Lack of political will.
• There has been no creativity as journalists simply plagiarise
through the internet.
• Rivalry between some media owners
5. Who could be the drivers or actors for changes in the future?
• Members of Parliament.
• Civil society organisations.
• Unions/Associations /Journalists
• Economic operators through adverts.
• Training institutions.
• International organisations.
6. What kinds of activities are needed over the two next years
• Thematic training
• Creation of an independent newspaper distribution network.
• Development of a lobbying culture among media 			
• Setting up of a proper broadcasting regulating board.
• Better equipment (scaling up to digital).
• Use of Satellite
• Carrying out advocacy at the level of civil society 			
organisations for them to support media causes.
• Promotion of collaboration between private and public 		
media practitioners.

African Media Barometer - Cameroon 2008 			


Select target paragraph3