The panel meeting took place at Ayaba Hotel, Bamenda from the 12
to the 14th of December 2008
Cameroon 2008 AMB Team/Rapporteur
Mr. Maurice Nkendem Forbinake-senior editor with the national daily –“Cameroon Tribune”
Mr. Daniel Fouzong-owner and General Manager of Afrique Nouvelle
Television and Radio station
Mr. Emmanuel WONGIBE- Director of International cooperation with
the Cameroon Radio Television Corporation CRTV and a senior journalist.
Mr. Charlie NDI CHIA - President of the Cameroon Union of Journalists and the editor-in-chief of the “Post newspaper”
Mme. Henriette EKWE –Directrice de la publication « Bebela »
Dr. Manasse Endong ABOYA- Executive Director of (Groupe de Recherche sur le parlementarisme et la Démocratie en Afrique) GREPDA
Dr. Anicet NOAH- lecturer at the Yaounde University Advanced School
of Mass Communication, Cameroon.
Mme. Laura TUFON- Coordinator of the Justice and Peace Commission for the Bamenda Ecclesiastical Diocese
Mrs. Geraldine Kongnyuy-Executive Director of the Women Empowerment Institute of Cameroon (WEICAM)
Mr. Martin JUMBAM -General Manager of MACACOS (Maison
Catholique de la Communication Sociale), the printing press of the
Catholic Archdiocese of Douala.


African Media Barometer - Cameroon 2008

Select target paragraph3