Minister of Finance to have the money, not all of it, in most cases.
CRTV authorities at one time had to “buy” their own money from
the Minister of Finance. The first ever General Manager of CRTV had
appointed someone who was always negotiating with the Minister
of Finance. About 20% of CRTV’s budget comes from income from
It is difficult to talk about a budget for CRTV because the corporation has two categories of staff – those recruited directly and
those from the Ministry of Communication through the Ministry of
Individual scores:			

2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2

Average score: 			



The public broadcaster is technically accessible in the 		
entire country.

The National Station of the CRTV (Radio) is received in many rural
areas, thanks to its relay stations in all the ten regions of the country. The frequent power outages, coupled with the corporation’s
old equipment sometimes make technical accessibility difficult in
some regions. There are moments when a programme broadcast in
Yaounde is received in rural areas, and not in the nation’s capital.
To remedy the situation of old equipment, eight FM transmitters are
being installed in the Far North, Adamawa, Centre and South regions. 65 to 70 percent of the country is covered by radio signals.
Only 40% of the country receives Television. The coverage will increase as the antiquated equipment is being replaced. New transmitters have just been installed in Ebolowa (South region) and Gar26				

African Media Barometer - Cameroon 2008

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