Final Draft/Rev.5

subscriptions regardless of the medium of transmission.
(2) The provisions of this Part shall not apply to any
information given to a subscriber in respect of his or her own
subscription, or to information given to facilitate action in an

Divulging of

102. No person shall intercept or tamper with a communication
message or any information regarding a subscription or, divulge
the contents or substance of such message or information to
another person unless he or she(a)

has the consent of the sender or addressee of such
message or of the subscriber concerned;


so intercepts or tampers with the message or
information or divulges the contents or substance
thereof in pursuance of his or her intention to
maintain the technical operation or quality of any
service provided, or in pursuance of any other duty
under the Act or these Regulations; or


is a witness in a court of law.
PART XII - Consumer affairs


103. (1) Every licensee shall provide a mechanism through which
consumers may lodge complaints concerning the services given
by such licensee and it shall be submitted to the Authority for
(2) Notwithstanding the generality of sub regulation (1)
above, the procedures for lodging complaints shall provide for –

notification to customers of the right to complain;


availability of a complaint form or any other written
method for raising complaints; and


maintenance of a log of consumer complaints.


104. Every licensee shall provide to consumers information on
products and services which is complete, accurate and up to date
in a simple and clear language.


105. (1) A licensee may collect and maintain information on
individual consumers where it is reasonably required for its
business purposes.

Select target paragraph3