Final Draft/Rev.5

file with the Authority changes to existing tariffs, including the terms
and conditions applicable thereto but excluding special offers and
other promotions.
Tariff publication

All tariffs shall be made available to the public by
conspicuously displaying them in all business offices of the licensees,
and where applicable making them available on the licensees website.
PART IX - Interconnection


98. (1) Operators shall interconnect their networks in accordance with
the rules as may be stipulated by the Authority
(2) Operators may enter into commercial interconnectivity
agreements where they require to use each other’s network and
infrastructure and shall submit a copy of the agreement to the Authority
to monitor for fair and non-discriminatory practices.
Where any dispute arises relating to an interconnection,
the Authority shall, after hearing both parties in accordance with such
procedures as it may determine, decide on the matter.

Quality of services

99. (1) Interconnection agreements shall provide for adequate
capacity, service levels and reasonable remedies for any failure to
meet those service levels.
(2) Parties to an interconnection agreement shall comply with
all relevant service standards of the International
Telecommunication Union, International Postal Union and such
other technical standards as the Authority may from time to time

PART X - Dispute resolution

100. (1) The Authority shall resolve disputes among licensees
and service providers across all the regulated sectors.
(2) Where there is a dispute between two or more licensees,
or between a licensee and any other party, such dispute shall be
dealt with in accordance with the dispute resolution procedures as
may be determined by the Authority.

PART XI - Confidentiality of messages
Application of this

101. (1) The provisions of this Part shall apply to all

Select target paragraph3