Final Draft/Rev.5

(2) Consumer information shall be processed fairly and
used for business purposes only and shall not be transferred to any
third party except as permitted by any terms and conditions
agreed with the consumer, or by any permission or approval of the
Authority, or as otherwise permitted or required by these
Regulations or other applicable laws.
Accurate consumer
billing or charging

106. (1) Every licensee shall ensure that consumer billing and
charging are accurate, timely and verifiable.
(2) The Authority shall develop guidelines for ensuring –

that consumers are charged appropriately; and


the protection of consumer rights.

(3) The Authority shall on a regular basis audit the licensees
billing systems.

Safety, health and

All operators shall adhere to the Safety, Health and
Environment (SHE) obligations and requirements as may be
determined by the Authority from time to time.
PART XIII - Reports


108. (1) Every licensee shall, for the purposes of these
Regulations, furnish to the Authority a true and certified copy of
its audited financial accounts relating to business operations not
later than three (3) months after the end of financial year.
The Authority shall have the right to request the
licensee to submit periodic reports, statistics and other data or
information as may be required for the effective supervision and
monitoring of the performance of the regulated sector.
(3) The Authority shall in making any request for
information, ensure that no undue burden is imposed on the
licensee in procuring and furnishing such information.
(4) A licensee may request the Authority to treat any
information contained in a report submitted under this regulation
as confidential business information that may not be disclosed to
third parties
PART XIV – Domain Name

Obligations of the

109. The Registry shall:
(a) organise, administer and manage the .bw TLD in the general
interest and on the basis of principles of quality, efficiency,

Select target paragraph3