Final Draft/Rev.5


90. Every licensee shall ensure that the price of its product and
services reflect the underlying costs of providing that product or
services and shall avoid cross subsidisation between services.

Margin squeezing

91. (1) In order to ensure fair competition licensee shall ensure that
the difference between the retail price and wholesale prices are not set
too low in order to squeeze other competing operators from the

Predatory pricing

The retail price of the licensed services shall not be
unjustifiably set below the cost in order to foreclose the market to
competing operators.

Abusive bundling
or tying of services

93 (1) Every licensee shall avoid bundling services or tying
services in order to leverage market power horizontally or vertically.
(2) The bundling of uncompetitive or limited competition
services with competitive services is prohibited.

Application for
tariff approval

Investigation on

Tariffs filing

94. Unless otherwise exempted by the Authority, tariffs for all
regulated services shall be filed with the Authority for approval prior
to market implementation. All applications for approval of tariffs
shall (a)

be filed with the Authority


conform to the principles as may be defined by the
Authority; and


contain relevant documentation, including all
calculations and other information in support of the

95. The Authority may, on its own motion or pursuant to a complaint
investigate any tariffs charged by a licensee and make a determination
as appropriate.
96. (1) Every licensee who provides services to the public shall file
with the Authority schedules of their tariff rates including those of
their agents and correspondents.
(2) Every licensee whose services are not subject to a tariff shall

Select target paragraph3