Final Draft/Rev.5

(3) A licensee shall notify the Authority of the steps taken and
processes introduced to ensure the security and confidentiality of
the registration particulars of its subscribers within 90 days of the
commencement of these Regulations.
Suspension and
notification of
deactivation of

66. (1) A licensee shall suspend a telecommunications service to
an unregistered active subscriber.
telecommunications service to a subscriber after the subscriber
complies with these Regulations.
(3) All licensees shall notify all their unregistered subscribers
that the subscribers’ telecommunications services will be
suspended if they do not comply with these Regulations.
(4) A notice under subregulation (3) may be published by
advertisement -

Deactivation of


in a newspaper of national circulation; or


in an electronic medium that broadcasts throughout
the country.

67. (1) A licensee shall deactivate a subscriber’s
telecommunications service if the service has been suspended for
at least 90 days.
(2) A licensee shall deactivate a subscriber’s access to the
service where (a)

the licensee or the Authority establishes that
the subscriber has provided false information
for registration; or


upon written request by the subscriber.

(3) A licensee shall only deactivate a subscribers for false
information after giving the subscriber a reasonable opportunity to
be heard.
PART VII - Postal services

Provision of
postal services

68. (1) The designated postal operator shall be obliged to provide
universal postal services in terms of the Act and the UPU Acts.
(2) The Authority shall determine targets to facilitate the
achievement of universal service obligations.

Select target paragraph3