Final Draft/Rev.5


an acceptable repair service arrangement ceases to


a licensee ceases to adhere to the provisions of
these Regulations; or


the licensee supplied, with its application for type
approval, any information which was false and
which it knew to be false, and on which the
Authority relied upon to make a decision to grant
type approval.

(2) Where it revokes a type approval, the Authority may
direct that the equipment relating thereto be withdrawn from the
market, or not be supplied, connected or used in relation to any
communication system.
PART VI - Subscriber Registration
for registration

60. (1) A licensee shall register any subscriber who has not
registered at the commencement of these Regulations.
(2) A licensee shall only activate access to the service for
customers after complying with these Regulations.
(3) Where a licensee relies upon the services of an agent to
comply with the provisions of these Regulations -



the licensee shall notify the Authority in writing of
this relationship; and


such agent shall also comply with the provisions of
these Regulations;


the licensee shall keep a record of all registrations
of subscriptions made by the agent and provide a
copy of this record to the Authority upon request by
the Authority.

61. (1) Where a subscriber wishes to register in order to access
services the subscriber shall provide the licensee with the
following particulars:

in the case of a natural person i)


the subscriber’s
telephone number,




Select target paragraph3