Final Draft/Rev.5


54. (1) A manufacturer or importer shall declare that the product for
which registration is required complies with the requirements of the
standard and specifications established by the Authority.
(2) The declaration of conformity shall be issued by the
manufacturer of the equipment indicating the standard and
specifications to which the equipment conform and shall be submitted
to the Authority.
If the Authority is not fully satisfied with the declaration
of conformity, the Authority may refer the equipment to the laboratory
for further testing.
Test reports and data which form the basis of the
declaration of conformity shall be obtained from a testing laboratory or
institution acceptable to the Authority.

of equipment

55. In type approving telecommunications equipment, the Authority
shall ensure that the technical configuration of equipment corresponds
to the equipment in respect of which an application for type approval is


56. Type approved equipment shall have operating manuals or
instructions, in English or Setswana, for use by subscribers.


57. The Authority may recognise the test report, compliance certificate,
type approval certificate or declaration of conformity issued by
accredited test laboratories, and other authorities or institutions.


58. (1) Type approved equipment shall have a legible label
permanently affixed to the equipment and on its packaging or
container in accordance with the Authority’s labelling rules unless
otherwise agreed with the Authority.
(2) The Authority shall issue, to the licensee, a type approval
registration number which shall also be permanently affixed to the
equipment by the licensee together with a mark identifying the
type, batch or serial number thereof.
(3) No symbol or mark which is likely to be confused with the
symbols or mark referred to in subregulation (2) shall be affixed to
any communications equipment.

Revocation of
type approval

59. (1) The Authority may revoke a type approval if –

the equipment does not comply with essential
requirements when properly or correctly used for
the purpose for which it was intended by the

Select target paragraph3