Final Draft/Rev.5



The Authority shall specify the application procedures and forms
for type approval for the telecommunications, broadcasting and postal
equipment and the required additional information.

Repair centre

52. (1)
The Authority shall type approve Radio and
Telecommunications, broadcasting and Postal telecommunications
equipment only where the licensee concerned can demonstrate that it
can arrange for an acceptable repair service in Botswana:

Provided that the Authority may, where it is satisfied that the
standard of service will not be compromised, permit the licensee to have
a service contact point in Botswana, which service contact point may
where necessary, send the said equipment outside Botswana for repairs
or subcontract the repair service to such person as the Authority may
(2) The Authority may, where it considers it appropriate, exempt a
licensee from the provisions of subregulation (1).
(3) A licensee who wishes to be exempted in terms of subregulation
(2) shall apply to the Authority in writing for such exemption at the
same time as it applies for type approval stating reasons in support of
the application for the exemption.
(4) The Authority shall accredit the equipment repair centre and
laboratory centres in order to ensure that they meet the required
technical standard.

53. (1) The Authority shall develop technical standard and specifications
for communications equipment requiring type approved.
(2) The technical standard and specifications formulated by the
Authority shall be published in the Gazette.
(3) The Authority shall specify and publish a list of the equipment
which are exempted from the type approval requirement from time to
time as is appropriate and required.

Declaration of

Select target paragraph3