Final Draft/Rev.5



ensure that there is no unauthorized emission from its
transmitters which cause harmful interference or illegal
use of the spectrum.

47. (1) A frequency assignment shall not confer any ownership rights
of the frequency to the licensee and may be withdrawn or changed as
the Authority may determine to be in the best interests of the country.
(2) Frequencies assigned to be used by a licensee and the rights
therein granted by such assignment shall not be transferred, without the
written consent of the Authority.
(3) No material change may be made in a licensed station,
including change of station parameters as specified in the license
without the approval of the Authority.
(4) The Authority may require licensees to share frequencies.
(5) The Authority may where it considers appropriate require the
licensee to migrate to a new frequency band.


48. (1) A licensee shall ensure that it does not, in providing its service or
operating its telecommunications equipment, interfere with the
frequency or operation of any other telecommunications service or radio
(2) A licensee shall, where any interference referred to in
subregulation (1) occurs, take all steps necessary to eliminate the

and distress

49. (1)
Radio stations shall comply with international
regulations concerning distress, such as the group ... --- ... (SOS) in
radio telegraphy and the words "MAY DAY" in radio telephony and
priority shall be given to any other communication.
(2) The Authority shall ensure that all frequencies identified
emergency and distress signals are not used for any other

Application of
this Part

50. (1) The provisions of this Part shall apply to all parties involved in
the import, manufacture, use or supply of telecommunications,
broadcasting and postal electronic equipment.
(2) Any type of electronic equipment used or to be used in
connection with the provision of the regulated services, unless explicitly
exempted by the Authority, shall be type approved by the Authority in
accordance with these Regulations prior to import into, use or sale in

Select target paragraph3