
There also has been a decline or even a threat to the future of the
francophone media as the pre-service training course is offered exclusively
in Arabic and as a result of the emergence of a very popular press in Arabic
(eg.: the daily newspaper Ech Chrouk).

Positive changes: who or what has been the main

The economic consolidation of certain media outlets such as El Khabar and
El Watan has had a ripple effect on the rest of the private media.


The high number of print runs (2,500,000 copies a day) is proportional to
the demographic growth as well as to the phenomenon of the popular press
embodied by the daily newspaper Ech Chrouk (500,000 copies a day).

What are the main obstacles for further positive

The main obstacle to positive change in the media landscape is the absence
of a truly constitutional state and a real political commitment of Algerian


Interventionism of political parties.


Manipulation of the advertisement market and improper use of government
advertisement contracts for political purposes.

What kinds of activities are needed over the next
two years?

Support the advocacy activities of journalists to decriminalize media
offences (legal expertise, one-day meeting to reflect on the issue).


Accompany journalists in the reactivation of the self-regulatory mechanism
and, through a workshop, the consolidation of the professional code of
conduct for Algerian journalists.


Provide support to the process to reunify and strengthen the press union
(organisation of meetings, mediation and other support).



Select target paragraph3