Follow-up questions
Have there been positive changes in the media
environment over the last two years?

The government is granting more authorizations for the creation of new
publications (5 in 2007, 8 in 2008, 6 during the first quarter of 2009).


The public expression sphere is broadening consistently (debates and
forums initiated in the private sector, particularly by El Watan during the
last three years and even in the public sector: Chaâb, radio, television).


An increasing number of specialized publications are emerging, particularly
in the economic as well as the science and technology fields.


Regional information is given more consideration in the national public
and private media and in local editions.


Two daily newspapers (El Watan and El Khabar) propose a weekend
edition to their readers, published on Fridays.


Circulation of newspapers is improving with the a significant increase in
the number of newspaper stands.


Advertisement revenue is in constant progression, especially due to the arrival
of new advertisers in very dynamic sectors such as telecommunications, real
estate, automobile, public works and civil engineering, etc...

Have there been negative changes in the media
environment over the last two years?



There has been an artificial flooding of the media market through
the creation of new publications without consideration of the sector’s
absorption capacity. Neither the literacy level nor the buying power of
citizens justifies the number of publications proposed at newspaper stands.


There has been a decline in the resistance capacity of the media faced with
the major challenges posed by democracy in Algeria. In contrast to its
determined position in the Benchicou case in 2004, the Algerian media
opposed a very modest resistance to President Bouteflika’s decision to seek
a 3rd term of office.


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