With a little over 2 million PCs, excluding the informal sector, the computer
penetration level in 2007 was 1.06% with a growth of 200,000 PCs per year. In
Tunisia for instance, the penetration level was 5.63% at the same period. 4
Conscious of the long way ahead to reach international standards in this area, the
Algerian government is displaying a real commitment to reform the sector. In
2005, the government launched the operation “Ourastic” to bring the computer
population to 5 million personal computers and internet connections by 2010.
Despite the credit facilities offered (from 12 to 36 months with no down payment),
the initiative was a failure. The Commission has been working for almost 2 years
to draft a national policy in this regard. A draft bill on the digital society is being
prepared as well as a proposal to equip schools.
In terms of content, newspapers are the main suppliers of Algerian news on the
internet. In 2008, the internet edition of the newspaper El Watan was ranked 5th
in the French-speaking media with over 1 million visitors to its website.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country minimally meets aspects of the indicator.


Country meets many aspects of indicator but
progress may be too recent to judge.


Country meets most aspects of indicator.


Country meets all aspects of the indicator and has
been doing so over time.

Average score: 			


2.10 Government does not use its power over the
placement of advertisements as a means to interfere
with editorial content.
Management of the advertisement budget of government structures is based
on patronage and politics. The advertisement contracts of public services and
institutions serve as a means to put pressure on periodical publications or to
support “friendly” media outlets. However, certain public or parastatal companies
faced with high competition from the private sector (particularly in the

The statistics about the ICT equipment penetration in the Maghreb region have been released in October
2007 by Dr Najat Rochdi, a UNDP expert in communication for developement , in Algiers during an
international conference on ICT training.



Select target paragraph3