telecommunications field) are extricating themselves from the grips of ANEP in
order to remain competitive in the ruthless fight to win market shares.
While consulting firms, communication agencies and private operators play a very
important role in the market (over 2,000 stakeholders in 2008), the placement
of government advertisements is generally the exclusive domain of ANEP
(National Communications, Edition and Advertisement Agency). In as much as
the government owns the least dinar in the capital of a company, the latter is
compelled to entrust the management of its advertisement budget to ANEP, the
exclusive agency for public institutions and structures.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country minimally meets aspects of the indicator.


Country meets many aspects of indicator but
progress may be too recent to judge.


Country meets most aspects of indicator.


Country meets all aspects of the indicator and has
been doing so over time.

Average score: 			


2.11 The advertisement market is large enough to
support a diversity of media outlets.
The Algerian advertisement market is significant enough to ensure the economic
viability of the media, as well as their diversity. Figures vary considerably
depending on the source. According to a panel member, the financial windfall
reaches 250 million Euros (almost 350 million US dollars).
In 2008, the volume of gross advertising investments in Algeria reached 12.9
billion Algerian Dinars (about 180 million US dollars) according to a study
conducted by the consulting firm Sigma and cited by the blog www.almanach-dz.
com. This represents 23.5% of the advertisement market in the Maghreb. Despite
the financial and economic crisis of the past few years, it is consistently on the rise
and should reach 200,000,000 dollars in the coming years (according to the firm
According to the same source, ENTV (the national television) captures almost
40% of this financial windfall representing about 5 billion Algerian Dinars (about



Select target paragraph3